CLUB CONSTITUTION




We the undersigned, wishing to secure for us the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio contesting, constitute ourselves the TENNESSEE CONTEST GROUP (TCG) and enact this constitution as our governing law.  It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote knowledge, fraternalism and individual/team contesting abilities, and to conduct programs and activities to advance the interest of amateur radio contesting.





Eligibility: All persons interested in amateur radio contesting are

 eligible for membership.


Membership levels:


A. Affiliate membership:

1. Affiliate membership is open to all interested persons upon application.


2. Affiliate membership includes all club privileges except the

right to hold office and vote on club business.


B. Full membership

1. Full membership is open to all licensed amateurs after fulfilling the following requirements:

a. attend at least two meetings per calendar year

b. contribute to at least two club/team composite scores in TCG,

ARRL, CQ Magazine or National Contest Journal sponsored contests

in that same calendar year. Hosting a TCG guest operator, guest-                            operating at another station or participating in a multi-operation

constitutes score contribution as long as the score is credited to the TCG.


      2. Full members have club all privileges, may hold club office       and may vote on club business.


C. Inactive membership:

      1. Full members who fail to meet the above requirements become inactive

members for a period of one year after which they will be dropped from club records.


2. Inactive members can attain affiliate member status by attending one club meeting. They may then be restored to full membership by satisfying the specified requirements.



Dues are not assessed. Club members are encouraged to donate $15 a year to pay for recurring club expenses (e.g. QSL cards, Tennessee QSO Party expenses, web-site expenses, club-sponsored awards).





A.  The officers of this club shall be Facilitator and Executive Assistant.


B.  The officers shall be elected for a term of one year at the January meeting.


C.       Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by special election

at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation.


D.  Officers may be removed by a three-fourths majority of the voting membership.





A.  The Facilitator shall preside at all meetings and conduct them according to the rules adopted.  He/she shall enforce due observance of this Constitution; decide all questions of order, sign all official documents adopted by the club, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office including oversight of all club business. It shall be the duty of the Facilitator to maintain the constitution and have it available at every meeting. The Facilitator shall note all amendments to the constitution and shall permit it to be consulted by members upon request. The Facilitator shall be responsible for maintaining and disbursing any club funds and shall report to the membership when club funds are expended. Due to the large area served by the TCG, the Facilitator may designate assistants to aid in club administration. These assistants serve at the pleasure of the Facilitator.


B.  The Executive Assistant (EA) shall assume the duties of Facilitator in his/her absence.  The EA shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, maintain the membership roll, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and assist the Facilitator in providing notices of meetings to the membership. The EA will do other such duties as determined by the Facilitator. Other members may perform any or all of these duties, however the EA is responsible for their completion.




A. Regular meetings for the purposes of conducting club business shall be held on the first Saturday of each calendar month unless a significant amateur radio contest is scheduled at that time.  In this case, the Facilitator shall re-schedule the regular meeting. Common courtesy shall govern proceedings however the Facilitator may invoke Robert’s Rules if deemed necessary. A minimum of one-fourth of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Should a quorum not be present, the Facilitator may allow telegraphic voting on such business prior to the next regular meeting. E-mail, fax, postal mail are acceptable voting means and shall be sent to the Facilitator and the Executive Assistant separately for tabulation. The results of telegraphic voting shall be presented at the next regular meeting.


B. Upon the written request of any five voting members, the Facilitator shall call a special meeting. Notices will be sent to members concerning special meetings to arrive at least two weeks in advance of the meeting and shall specify the business to be transacted.  Only such business as designated shall be transacted.


C. In order to aid members in complying with club meeting attendance requirements, the Facilitator may authorize additional meetings (e.g. at hamfests or contest multi-ops). The additional meeting shall be authorized and announced at least 48 hours in advance, the meeting host shall be a voting member, and the host shall forward a list of attendees to the EA. No club business shall be conducted at these meetings.






The club will provide technical advice and assistance to members concerning station construction, improvements, and operating practices.





This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the total voting membership.  Proposals for the amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next regular meeting provided members have been      notified of the intent to amend the Constitution at said meeting.